By Ooze/X-Zone ---------------------- samples from all over the place. ---------------------- Mellow mellow, The sky is yellow. Core core, meet me on the floor. ---------------------- HARDCORE P O W E R ! ---------------------- I'm involved in a thing called Screamin' Oyster Rec. And where have started a project called.... D I G I T I Z E D 1 If you want to attend in this HARDCORE project. Send your Tapes, minidisks, Dats, ore Xm.S3m,Mods or call this numbers for more info ---------------------- Tony (Ooze) +46-(0)33-258533 or Peter (Cpt. Chaos) +46-(0)33-299293 for more info. adress. Tony Gelander Kyrkv.rdsgr.nd 1C S-518 32 Sandared Sweden. ---------------------- ********************** ---------------------- Se ya' Love -*-Ooze-*- ---Sign.03/19-97.----- Ps. Read the READTHIS.txt for more info 'bout the hardcore collection. Ds.